viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021

List of verbs

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 List of verbs:

  • Accept: I accept your appology.
  • Accuse: Tom accused me of lying.
  • Achieve: She achieved remarkable results. 
  • Acquire: Meg acquired many new friends.
  • Adapt: He adapted himself to his new life.
  • Add: I added a room to my house.
  • Admire: I admire your confidence.
  • Admit: He was embarrassed to admit making a mistake.
  • Adopt: I liked your idea and adopted it.
  • Adore: He adores his grandfather.
  • Agree: Why did you agree to meet her in the first place?
  • Allow: Swimming isn’t allowed here.
  • Argue: I don’t want to argue with you.
  • Arrive: We arrived home late.
  • Ask: Historians frequently ask to consult the collection.
  • Attach: You need to attach your photo to the application form.

Verbs List (B)

  • Bake: Tom baked some muffins.
  • Be: He is immature.
  • Beat: You can’t beat me.
  • Begin: The leaves begin to fall when autumn comes.
  • Behave: Tom always behaves himself well. However, Mary does not.
  • Believe: I believe you’re right.
  • Belong: This bicycle belongs to me.
  • Bite: I got bitten by mosquitoes.
  • Boil: Please boil an egg for me.
  • Borrow: I need to borrow your car.
  • Bounce:  Bounce the ball and try and hit it over the net.
  • Break: We broke up.
  • Bring: I brought some dessert.
  • Build: We need to build a fire.
  • Buy: I’ll buy a lot of candies for you.

Verbs List (C)

  • Calculate: A computer can calculate very rapidly.
  • Carry: I don’t carry cash anymore.
  • Catch: Let’s catch a bite.
  • Celebrate: We’re celebrating Tom’s birthday.
  • Change: I changed my mind.
  • Choose: Every day is beautiful if you choose to see it.
  • Chop: Tom chopped down the tree that was in our front yard.
  • Climb: Carlos climbed the mountain.
  • Come: I’m coming today.
  • Compare: They compared the new car with the old one.
  • Complain: John complained about the weather.
  • Contain: This box contains five apples.
  • Continue: The finance minister will continue to mastermind Poland’s economic reform.
  • Cook:  The pizza will then take about twenty minutes to cook.
  • Cost: It’ll cost about 10,000 yen.
  • Count: We’re counting on you.
  • Create: I have to create a new website.
  • Cry: The baby is crying.
  • Cut: John cut his finger.

Verbs List (D)

  • Dance: I want to dance.
  • Decide: He has decided to live in France.
  • Describe: John can’t describe how painful it was.
  • Deserve: They didn’t deserve to win.
  • Desire: We all desire success.
  • Destroy: John’s house was destroyed by a hurricane.
  • Disagree: It pains me to disagree with your opinion.
  • Discover: The miner discovered a valuable pocket of gold.
  • Discuss: We briefly discussed buying a second car.
  • Dislike: I dislike being the centre of attention.
  • Do: I didn’t do my homework.
  • Dream: I dreamt about you.
  • Drink:  Can I have something to drink?
  • Drive: He drives a truck.
  • Drop: I dropped my sandwich.
  • Dry: Raisins are dried grapes.

Verbs List (E)

  • Eat:  You can’t eat your cake and have it.
  • Enjoy: I really enjoy talking to you.
  • Experiment: They’re experimenting with a new car.
  • Explain: I can explain everything.
  • Explore: He explored the Amazon jungle.

Verbs List (F)

  • Fail: I fail to comprehend their attitude.
  • Fall: I fell in the pool.
  • Feed: We just fed the baby.
  • Feel: I feel that Mr. Peter is a good teacher.
  • Fight: Don’t fight with me.
  • Find: I can find them.
  • Finish: He finished cleaning the kitchen.
  • Fly: Tom wishes he could fly.
  • Fold: Tom and Mary folded up the flag.
  • Follow: We must follow the rules of the game.
  • Forget: I’ll never forget visiting them.
  • Forgive: We have already forgiven you.
  • Fry: She fried fish in salad oil.

Verbs List (G)

  • Give:  The waiter gives me the menu.
  • Go: Let’s go to the beach!
  • Grow: Apples grow on trees.

Verbs List (H)

  • Hate: I hate getting to the theatre late.
  • Have: I have a car.
  • Hear: I will hear me.
  • Hide: I’m hiding from Tim.
  • Hit: I hit the jackpot.
  • Hope: I hope to see you again soon.
  • Hurt: I hurt my elbow.

Verbs List (I-J)

  • Imagine: I can imagine how you felt.
  • Improve: I need to improve my French.
  • Introduce: I’ll introduce you to Tom.
  • Investigate: I came here to investigate Tom’s death.
  • Iron: I iron my clothes almost every day.
  • Jump:  Can you jump over the river?

Verbs List (K)

  • Kick:  The kids love to kick a ball against my wall.
  • Kiss: Did you kiss anybody?
  • Know: We know him.

Verbs List (L)

  • Learn: Children learn to creep ere they can go.
  • Leave: Leave me alone!
  • Lie (in bed): Lie back down.
  • Lie (not to tell the truth): He hated lying.
  • Lift:  He couldn’t lift the table and no more could I.
  • Light:  Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness.
  • Like: She likes playing tennis.
  • Listen: Why won’t you listen?
  • Look: It looks cold outside.
  • Lose: She lost a book.
  • Love: I love going out to restaurants.

Verbs List (M,N)

  • Make: I’m making tea.
  • Meet: We’ve never met.
  • Melt: The snow is melted.
  • Mix: If you mix blue and red, you get violet.
  • Need: You need to change your eating habits.

Verbs List (O)

  • Open: Open the windows.
  • Organize: They want me to organize the party.
  • Own: I own a German car.

Verbs List (P)

  • Paint: She painted the wall pink.
  • Participate: He participated in the debate.
  • Pay: Can I pay by installment payment?
  • Peel: Anna peeled the apple.
  • Play: I can play tennis.
  • Point: Tom pointed to the sky.
  • Prefer: Chantal prefers travelling by train.
  • Put: I put on my shoes.

Verbs List (Q,R)

  • Read: I read the book.
  • Realize: I didn’t realise we were late.
  • Receive: We received a warm welcome.
  • Recommend: I would never recommend using a sunbed on a regular basis.
  • Repair: He repaired his watch by himself.
  • Ride:  Life is a horse, and either you ride it or it rides you.
  • Ring: The phone is ringing.
  • Run:  Do not run too fast after gain.

Verbs List (S)

  • Say: No one says that.
  • See: Do you see that bird?
  • Sell: I can’t sell you that.
  • Send: They’re sending help.
  • Sew: Mary is sewing baby clothes.
  • Shake: They shook hands when they met at the airport.
  • Show: I’ll show you later.
  • Shut: I shut my eyes again.
  • Sing: Tom loves to sing.
  • Sink: A ship sank near here yesterday.
  • Sit:  Sit on the floor, stretching your legs out in front of you.
  • Ski: I like skiing very much.
  • Sleep: I slept too much.
  • Smell: Something smells bad. What is this?
  • Speak: He speaks English.
  • Spell: I don’t know how to spell the word.
  • Spend: I spent some time in Boston.
  • Stand: Can you stand up?
  • Start: He started tipping the pea pods into a pan.
  • Steal: My watch was stolen.
  • Stop: I hoped he would stop asking awkward questions.
  • Study: She studies hard.
  • Swim: She swims well.

Verbs List (T)

  • Take: I took a book from the library.
  • Talk: Tom talked a lot.
  • Taste: The soup tastes salty.
  • Teach: I’ll teach you how to swim.
  • Tell: I told him to come.
  • Think: I think that Mr. Peter is a good teacher.
  • Throw: I threw away my shoes.

Verbs List (U,V)

  • Understand: I knew you’d understand.
  • Vacuum: Tom vacuumed his bedroom.

Verbs List (W)

  • Wait: I can’t wait to see you.
  • Wake: I have to wake Tom up.
  • Walk:  Don’t try to walk before you can crawl.
  • Want: I want to watch TV.
  • Wash: Tom washed his hands.
  • Watch: We watched a movie.
  • Wear: Tom wore black pants.
  • Weigh: The suitcase weighs 20 pounds.
  • Win: I can win this time.
  • Write:  Write it down on a piece of paper.