viernes, 12 de febrero de 2021

Modal verbs

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What is a Modal Verb?

Modal verbs are verbs that act very differently to the one’s you might be thinking of such as ‘work’, ‘play’, ‘eat’, etc. This is because modal verbs don’t actually describe action per se, instead they provide information about the function of the verb that is to follow. Modal verbs always come before a traditional verb, but they explain the modality of the verb. That sounds pretty confusing, so let’s just break down what exactly modality is!

Modal verb definition

In English, modal verbs are a small class of auxiliary verbs used to express ability, permission, obligation, prohibition, probability, possibility, advice.

Below is a list of modal verbs:

Here they are:

  • Can
  • Could
  • May
  • Might
  • Must
  • Shall
  • Should
  • Will
  • Would

Modal Verbs Rules


The verb “will” is used to express:

  • Promise: Don’t worry, I will be here.
  • Instant decision: will take these books with me.
  • Invitation/Offer: Will you give me a chance?
  • Certain prediction: John Smith will be the next President.
  • Future tense auxiliary: Tomorrow I will be in New York.


The verb “shall” is used to express:

  • Asking what to do: Shall I get the phone? Or will you?
  • Offer: Shall I call a cab?
  • Suggestion: Shall I call again on Thursday?


The verb “would” is used to express:

  • Asking for permission: Would you mind if I opened the window?
  • Request: Would you make dinner?
  • Making arrangements: Would you be available at 6 pm tonight?
  • Invitation: Would you like to go out sometimes?
  • Preferences: Would you prefer the window seat or the aisle?


The verb “should” is used to express:

  • Advice: You should visit your dentist at least twice a year.
  • Recommending action: You really should go to the new museum on Main Street.
  • Uncertain prediction: I posted the cheque yesterday so it should arrive this week.
  • Logical deduction: I’ve revised so I should be ready for the test.

Ought to

The verb “ought to” is used to express:

  • Advice: You ought to have come to the meeting. It was interesting.
  • Logical deduction: 30$ ought to be enough for the taxi.


The verb “must” is used to express:

  • Obligation/necessity: must memorize all of these rules about tenses.
  • Deduction: She lied to the police. She must be the murderer.


The verb “musn’t” (must not) is used to express:

  • Prohibition: You mustn’t smoke in this restaurant. It’s forbidden.


The verb “may” is used to express:

  • Possibility: Richard may be coming to see us tomorrow.
  • Ask for permission: May I borrow your dictionary?


The verb “might” is used to express:

  • Slight possibility: It looks nice, but it might be very expensive.
  • The past form of “may” in reported speech: The President said he might come.


The verb “can” is used to express:

  • Ability: David can speak three languages.
  • Permission (informal): Can I sit in that chair please?
  • Offers: Can I carry the luggage for you?


The verb “could” is used to express:

  • Request: Could I borrow your dictionary?
  • Suggestion: Could you say it again more slowly?
  • Ability in the past: I think we could have another Gulf War.
  • Asking for permission: Could I open the window?

Have to/has to

The verb “have to/has to” is used to express:

  • External Obligation: You have to take off your shoes before you get into the mosque.

Don’t/ Doesn’t have to

“Don’t/Doesn’t have to” is used to express:

  • Is not necessary: You don’t have to do all the exercises, only the first one

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